WordPress Security Service

Protect & Secure Your WordPress Website

Security Updates

73% of WordPress websites run on an outdated version of WordPress. This is the most common security threat when it comes to WordPress websites.

In some cases, updating WordPress, themes, and plugins yourself can lead to a broken website. This should be handled by WordPress professionals with the right set of tools and experience.

We run WordPress security updates on a weekly basis to ensure the security and protection of your website.

Recovery Plan

Did you know that 68% of WordPress websites don't have a data recovery plan? This means if your WordPress website gets hacked you can lose all the website and client data.

We offer scheduled offsite backups which will be stored on a secured and optimized data center, for fast and easy website restoration.

Don't take unnecessary risks, get WordPress Security service today, and secure your WordPress website for tomorrow.

Prevent Repeated Hacks

In order to prevent repeated infection of the WordPress website, there has to be an advanced security setup in place. There are several options in that can achieve the desired result.

iThemes Security Pro is one of the best WordPress security plugins that has the most features to prevent repeated hacks.

With a professional WordPress malware removal service, you can get a guarantee for up to 1 year, and if the website gets hacked again, repeated malware removal will be for free.