WordPress Maintenance Service

WordPress Maintenance Plan

Peace of Mind

Having to worry about your website's health, security, performance, and other WordPress issues can be frustrating. We at WP AOS we focus on all things WordPress, while you can focus on your business.

Our WordPress maintenance services take care of WordPress websites by updating, monitoring, and reporting on a weekly basis.

Keeping Website Safe

With any WordPress maintenance plan, we include the iThemes Security Pro plugin with a lifetime license with a professional security setup. This allows us to secure and protect your website 24/7/365.

If something bad happens with your website, you can be sure we have the latest backups and the right tools to restore your website ASAP.

Improved Performance

There is always room for improvement... With our WordPress maintenance service, you will get an improved website speed and overall performance.

Improved performance can lead to better rankings on Google, more sales for your business.

We at WP AOS strongly believe every website owner deserves that.